The evolutionary process of change


The basic idea of change, can be really scary, because people create habits, and they are comfortable   and very confident about something that they’ve been doing for a long time.

It’s easier if when we want to present a new idea, to sell this idea as a improvement of something the we already do, or an evolution.

It doesn’t matter what area you are, musical, church ministries, business, we can always find a distinguish group of people and the way that they received the idea.

We have the innovators, the people that come up with the idea, the people that have boldness to simply shoot out and idea the ones that are always looking for something new, they usually are not the leaders.

We have the early adopters, the one that when they hear a new good idea they know it’s good. They are the ones that people most respect their opinions, they didn’t had the idea, but the embrace it so much, that they try to convince people that the idea it’s really good.

There is the middle adopters, they’re the kind of people that it doesn’t have a strong opinion, just kind of go with the flow, they don’t resist as much new ideas, but they can easily be influenced in both ways.

We have the late adopters, the ones that only accept the new ideas because they have to, because everyone else already accepted.

And we have the laggards, they are really attached to the history, status, it’s really for them to change, and they don’t want to be the only ones against it, so they try everything they can to influence others to be like them.[Md1] 

When the  Evolutionary process of change starts, we can see 8 steps, and in this we can find each group of people.

First the followers don’t really know what’s happening, because the leader didn’t gave any directions,   (ignorance)

Then the information happens, people get informed about the idea, but usually it’s not embraced as it should be. After hearing about the new ideas, people star finding problems and sticks to the status quo. (infusion)

Than a group of people starts to notice and see the benefits of the new idea, and really embrace the idea. (The individual Change)

 That’s when the discussion about the two sides of change happens, and people gets less defensive about it. (The organizational Change)

When the new idea starts being implanted, people stars to see some success and failures, cause there are still in the learning process. (Awkward Application) .

When the first period of ‘’stepping on new waters” is passed, people start being more open to the idea, because they know are seeing results (Integration). With these results people gain confidence and boldness to try new things (Innovation).


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